archaeologists sustain that the Martisor is a 10.000 years tradition, but
certain is the fact that at the 1-st of March (New Year in Dacian calendar) a
string white and black was a talisman for a good agricultural year and good luck.
Often the string had attached a golden or silver coin wich after the month of
March was used to buy red wine and cheese in honour of supreme god Zalmoxis.
After the Roman invasion, because March was the month of Mars god, the black
thread became red, the earth fertility symbolised by the black being replaced
by the virility symbolised by the red. The coin was replaced in time with
little decorations symbolising the wish of good luck, the love and the respect.
So Martisor became more and more a little symbolic gift instead of talisman.
The people wear it pinned to their clothes close to the heart until the last
day of March when they tie the Martisor to the branches of a fruit-tree as a
sign of abundance wishes. The Martisor is a tradition in all regions lived by
Romanians and Aromanians but it is also spread in old Thracian regions
subjugated by Roman Empire like Albania, Bulgaria and even is known in Italy.
Street Delivery Festival
In fiecare an la mijlocul lunii iunie strada Pictor Verona se transforma intr-o scena deschisa a manifestarilor mintilor libere si culturii urbane. Asociatii ecologiste, artistice, de arhitectura, muzicale, arte vizuale si oricare altele isi prezinta ideile si proiectele. Cateva imagini din editia 2013 va vor edifica. Va asteptam in 2014!

Each year in the middle of june Arthur Verona street becomes a open scene for urban culture and open minds. NGO's of all types(ecology, arts, architecture, music, visual arts,etc) come together to present their ideas and projects. Here are some images from the 2013 edition. See you in 2014!
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