- The Legend of Bucharest / Legenda Bucureștiului

Prin viu grai știm că ciobanul Bucur și camarazii săi de drum au ,,găsit" orașul. Primul lucru pe care l-a făcut ca să marcheze această descoperire a fost să construiască o biserică din lemn pe pietre de moară, pe un deal mic de lângă râul Dambovița. De aceea acum, mica biserică de lângă râu este numită ,,Biserica Bucur Cioban".
- The history / Istoric
The oldest documentary mentions are signed by the Prince Vlad Dracula in 1459. The excavations show ruins from the Xth century. In the same time near Bucharest the archaeological sites show a permanent living from the neolitic period, passing by the period of Dacian and Roman people. Bucharest became a capital in 1678 and is the centre of Romanian media, culture and art.
Cele mai vechi documente care atestă originea orașului sunt din 1459 și sunt semnate de Prințul Vlad Dracula. Săpăturile arheologice arată ruine din secolul X. In accelași timp, lângă București, alte săpături arată o trăire permanentă din perioada neolitică până în zilele noastre trecând prin perioada Dacilor și a Romanilor. București a devenit capitala din 1678 și este centrul țării în domeniile media, cultură și artă.
- The present / In prezent
To this day, Bucharest the capital of Romania is a very dynamic city having over 2 million inhabitants to which every day there are added another million that live in suburbs and have work places in the city. After the revolution in 1989 and the hard evolution to 2000, the city has been experiencing an economic and cultural boom.
Până în această zi, București capitala României este un oraș foarte dinamic având peste 2 milioane de locuitori la care se adaugă zilnic un milion de persoane care locuiesc în suburbii și au locuri de muncă în oraș. După revoluția din 1989 în urma unei lungi evoluții, din anul 2000 orașul experimentează un boom economic și cultural.
In 1866 Prince Carol of Hohenzollern traveled incognito on the Danube to get to Romania in order to become Ruler. From the city of Drobeta - Turnu Severin, he and I.C. Bratianu went on by horse carriage. On their way they started looking for a spring and they found a few peasant girls taking water from one in their clay vessels. Because they were dressed in military uniforms the girls got scared, but only one, named Modura was ,,brave" enough to offer water to the Prince. After this encounter she invited him to eat something in her humble home. Having little to eat, all that her family could offer were a few pieces of boiled maize. At this sight, the Prince didn't know which cutlery to use but the prime minister I.C. Bratianu took the piece of maize with this two hands and after biting it said : '' This is how you eat this food, my Prince". Then the Prince, while being amazed of the Romanian hospitality took a bite of maize and said: "From his moment I am Romanian too".
Până în această zi, București capitala României este un oraș foarte dinamic având peste 2 milioane de locuitori la care se adaugă zilnic un milion de persoane care locuiesc în suburbii și au locuri de muncă în oraș. După revoluția din 1989 în urma unei lungi evoluții, din anul 2000 orașul experimentează un boom economic și cultural.
- Modura's and the Prince Carol Story
In 1866 Prince Carol of Hohenzollern traveled incognito on the Danube to get to Romania in order to become Ruler. From the city of Drobeta - Turnu Severin, he and I.C. Bratianu went on by horse carriage. On their way they started looking for a spring and they found a few peasant girls taking water from one in their clay vessels. Because they were dressed in military uniforms the girls got scared, but only one, named Modura was ,,brave" enough to offer water to the Prince. After this encounter she invited him to eat something in her humble home. Having little to eat, all that her family could offer were a few pieces of boiled maize. At this sight, the Prince didn't know which cutlery to use but the prime minister I.C. Bratianu took the piece of maize with this two hands and after biting it said : '' This is how you eat this food, my Prince". Then the Prince, while being amazed of the Romanian hospitality took a bite of maize and said: "From his moment I am Romanian too".
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