


Mamaliga is a traditional dish made from corn flower, a pinch of oil, water and salt. It is more consistent than italian polenta (as the photos can show). Before corn came to Europe, Dacian people and Romans made it from sorghum grain. It is used as a side dish in most romanian traditional dishes.  

Mamaliga este o mancare tradionala realizata din malai, putin ulei, apa si sare. Este mai consistenta decat polenta italiana dupa cum se poate vedea in fotografie. Inainte ca mailul sa apara in Europa, Dacii si Romanii o realizau din mei. Este folosita ca garnitura in majoritatea mancarurilor traditionale romanesti. 

"Bulz" is a mamaliga filled with a special fermented cheese, further grilled or put in the oven. It is the traditional dish of shepherds found mostly in mountain regions. 

,,Bulz" este mamaliga umpluta cu un tip special de branza, apoi pusa pe plita sau la cuptor. Este tipul traditional de mancare al ciobanilor.


It seems that the history of this dish starts from the Roman Empire when in the long military campaigns the solders where eating meat conserved in fat and rolled in sour cabbage. Traditional Romanian sarmale are made strictly from chopped mixed meat (pork and beef) togheder with rice, goose breast or turkey mixed with rice and carrots especially in Moldavia. There are vegetarian sarmale accepted in the big Easter Fast made with forest mushrooms, carrots and rice. All are mixed with aromatic herbs for a more strong taste. 

Se pare ca istoria acestui fel de mancare incepe din vremea Imperiului Roman cand in timpul lungilor calatorii militare soldatii mancau carne conservata in untura si impachetata in varza murata. Sarmalele Tradtionale sunt facute strict din carne tocata de doua feluri (porc si vita) amestecata cu orez, varianta moldoveneasca a sarmalelor fiind piept de gasca sau curcan amestecate cu morcovi si orez. Sarmalele pentru vegetarieni sunt acceptate in timpul marelui post al Pastelui si sunt realizate din ciuperci proaspete, morcovi si orez garnisite cu plante aromatice pentru un gust mai puternic.  

This is a igloo made from Mamaliga with another traditional romanian dish called "Sarmale" made from chopped meat and rice packed in sour         cabbage.                                                                 

Acesta este un igloo facut din mamaliga cu un alt tip de mancare tradtionala, sarmale, realizate din carne tocata impachetata in varza murata. 

Bon Apetit! 

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