
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

11 and 12 October-Don't miss an unique event in Bucharest

"Tarafuri si Fanfare" festival is an unique event happening this weekend at the National Village Museum in Bucharest."Taraf" means a small musical band composed from two to 10 performers,based on traditional string instruments,but using sometimes an accordion or drum also.They sing at feasts in villages,at weddings and funerals also.Generally,  the performers have not musical studies,they learned the songs from older masters :traditional songs as ballads , party songs,wassaling songs etc.All is based on their native talent.Their music is"the primordial music" transformed in centuries,in some regions like Maramures the songs are preserved up to 2000 years ago.Some of this bands are now international celebrities and have concerts over the world,others are performing in their own region and work in agriculture between the popular events

Traditional dulcinner

Traditional romanian Kobsa

Traditional wind instruments are the shepherdpipe and panpipe.The wind groups were initially formed at the feasts of shepherds in springtime and autum.Later,in  XVII century,the brass instruments were adopted

Every year,this  festival brings together such bands from different regions of Romania,performing in a beutiful village museum.This is the unique occasion to listen the real traditional Romanian music and to approach the Romanian people soul

So,come with us to dance and enjoy the music!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Maramures Festival at The Village Museum

The Maramures Region is a special charming county of Romania.It was not occupied 2000 years ago by The Roman legions and all the Middle Age,due to the difficult acces, remains practically independent from the neighbour empires.Maramures had his own rulers,subordinated to the king of Hungary or Austrian emperror.So, in this space the Dacian Tradition is well preserved in all aspects: traditional costumes,wood civilisation,music,traditions and food .The Maramures peoples keep their traditional occupations  and habitudes.Speaking about wood civilisation we must mention the beautiful wood gates,marking the properties and the unique wood churches ,built without any metal components.Eight of these dating from XVII and XVIII centuries are on UNESCO heritage list.In 20 and 21 Sepember you can enjoy the food,drink,music,dances and handmades from Maramures at the Village Museum in Bucharest We offer to you some beautiful images from this fairytale region.Enjoy:

Traditional interior
Natural clothes washig machine

Traditional Maramures Inn

Old corn Water mill

Traditional distillery

Iza Valley

Saturday, September 20, 2014

BUCHAREST 555 YEARS-Happy birthday!

Three days of feast-20 September is the Bucharest Day.This Saturday night is the white night of Bucharest People-general street party.Enjoy!

National Autumn Art Salon

Autumn Art Salon 2014 edition is open all September  at the Constantin Brancusi Hall inside the Romanian Parliament.It is the bigger Artmarket of Romania and accept all art branches and all art techniques .150 artists of all generations are e exposing their recent works.

Open from Monday to Friday,10-16.30 h.

Varnishing Day:04 of September.You can see all exposing artists on the online review:

Enjoy and buy!

The President of Art Section of Romanian Academy,prof.Razvan Theodorescu

Dr. George Radu Serafim ,president of organising comitee:"We finished our work,I think we can enjoy now"

Florin Necula,vicepresident of the organiser,the ATHENEUM Society:I'm glad to see the communication between artists and their public"
 From the Varnishing Day:
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Great Master Vasile Celmare honoured the Salon and Varnishing

A group of great artists offered a few works for free at a the opening tombola

 Master Mihail Gavril is Fortuna Godess

Great master Mihai Buculei gived us WINGS

Master of glass Ion Nemtoi expose a Column of Fire 

The photographer

and The Art Chritic of course