
Friday, April 11, 2014

Exceptional icons on glass expo at The National Village Museum

The young talent Elena Adriana Popa surnamed"The Angel of icons" expose icons painted on glass in the manner of old masters from Transylvania region.The expo named"At the Resurrection Day"will be opened up to 4 May.Enjoy her works!

See more on our EVENTS page

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Famous Dacian Helmets at The Romania's National History Museum in Bucharest

Aghigiol helmet,silver and gold IV century BC

                                                      Cucuteni helmet,gold VcenturyBC

In the VI century BC the Dacian society begins to agregate in small regional states,having a common religion and language, but different rulers.The helmet in precious metal was the singn of the suveranity and independence of the little state.The majority of such helmets were discovered in graves of rulers dated inIV century BC.The helmets prouve the high level of local jewelery masters,but also the intense commerce between this little states,because the gold and silver source was located 400Km to the north-west,in Apuseni mountains.The helmets are named with the discover locality names.All this little states were placed outside the Carpathian arch and is evident that their existence was related to the foreing danger.

See more and the end of story on our MUSEUMS  page

Monday, April 7, 2014

Romanian Palm Sunday Traditions Fest at The National Village Museum

Come to the Village museum for romanian traditional art,traditional folklore,traditional lithurgic byzantine music and traditional food

                            OPEN DAILY: 9-19 MUSIC: 12-19

"Dunarica" ensemble-traditions and folklore music from Teleorman region

"Anton Pann" byzantine music ensemble

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Exceptional Collection exposed at the National Village Museum"D.Gusti"

An exceptional collection was donated to the National Village Museum by the great romanian artist Rita Sapira-Sain in 2013 This is now exposed  up to 8 April

See more in our EVENTS page

6 April-The Day of Birds at The National Village Museum "D.Gusti"

An entire day dedicated to the birds .A lot of workshops and shows and film for children and not only